01 02 03 Scattered Confetti: Admitting: You can do Anything but not Everything. 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Admitting: You can do Anything but not Everything.

Slow Down.

The past few weeks have been rough for me, to say the least. I don't want to go into too much detail, I just want to say that I came to the point where I had to admit that it really is true: You can do anything - but not everything.

With my final exam fast approaching I still thought I could do it all: prepare for the exam, complete all my design team obligations, do my "normal" work, do the household, reply mails, take on another project and all while still staying sane and having time for myself and S.

Well, you can probably guess where this is going. It turns out: I can't. There are still quite a few unanswered mails, unreturned calls, incomplete projects and the pile of dirty clothes is growing steadily. The fact that I am quite an introverted person and procrastinator who, when owing someone a mail, a call, whatever, instead of just telling them that right now I just can't do it but I'll reply as soon as I can, holes up and hopes that none of them will ask when I will finally reply, doesn't really help at all (and the fact that this sentence is much more complex than needs to be....).

Right now the only thing I should be concentrating on is my final exam on Wednesday. However, the guilt of having failed people I like and respect is always nagging inside my head which is slowly but surely driving me insane.

Long story short: If you are still waiting for an answer, a mail from me or whatever it is, be assured that I will get to you as soon as I can but it won't be before the next weekend. I am terribly sorry if I left you hanging with something, that's normally not the way I am but right now I am far from being myself. And to be honest, my top priority now is to become myself again. Only then will I be able to "function" as a normal human and social being again.
And if you are "only" a reader of this blog and are wondering when the heck I will post something on here again, just know: I will. And I really hope you will stick around until then!

Thanks for understanding! Hope to see you back soon.


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